Interventions Against Child Abuse and Violence Against Women: Ethics and culture in practice and policy

dc.creatorCarol Hagemann-White ; Liz Kelly ; Thomas Meysen (eds.).
dc.descriptionThe research project “Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence (CEINAV)” listened to the voices of professionals and of victim-survivors in four countries – England & Wales, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. Collaborating across disciplines and in cooperation with practitioners for three years, from September 2013 until November 2016, we sought a deeper understanding of how and why different professionals intervene and how intervention is experienced when women are confronting intimate partner violence, trafficking for sexual exploitation or physical child abuse and neglect. Within the frame of Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) and the overarching programme of Cultural Encounters, CEINAV took a dual approach. We aimed for a deeper understanding how the diverse legal-organisational frameworks as well as the socio-cultural backgrounds affect practices of intervention, and we reflected how belonging to a majority or minority group or being seen as such plays out on the level of intervention practice. The research crafted an empirical methodology as well as a theoretical foundation that would make comparative analysis possible. We built on previous collaborative research which explored the legal and philosophical foundations for interventions in Europe. Some of the findings were published during the course of the project as working papers ( A multilingual anthology of stories taken from the interviews with women and young people about their experiences with intervention appeared as Volume 2 of this series in 2017. The book was given an artistic design by the Porto team and is also available open access online. This volume brings together some of the findings from, and reflections on, the project as a whole. (Author Preface)
dc.identifier.citationCarol Hagemann-White ; Liz Kelly ; Thomas Meysen (eds.). (2019). Interventions Against Child Abuse and Violence Against Women: Ethics and culture in practice and policy. Verlag Barbara Budrich. 320p.
dc.publisherVerlag Barbara Budrich
dc.subjectInternational Resources
dc.subjectchild abuse
dc.titleInterventions Against Child Abuse and Violence Against Women: Ethics and culture in practice and policy
