Teen Dating Violence: Co-Occurrence With Other Victimizations in

dc.creatorFinkelhor, D., Turner, H. & Hamby, S.L.
dc.descriptionObjective: To examine the co-occurrence of physical teen dating violence (TDV) with other forms of victimization. Method: The sample includes 1,680 youth aged 12 to 17 from the National Survey of Children s Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV), a nationally representative telephone survey of victimization experiences. Results: Every victim of physical TDV (100%) reported at least one other type of victimization. Physical TDV is very closely associated with several other forms of victimization in this sample, with adjusted odds ratio ranging from 1.48 to 17.13. The lifetime rate of TDV was 6.4% for all youth, but TDV rates reached 17% for youth who had been physically abused by a caregiver, 25% for youth who had been raped, and 50% for youth (16 years) who had experienced statutory rape or sexual misconduct by a partner more than 5 years older. Victims of TDV reported, on average, twice as many other types of victimizations as those with no history of TDV. Conclusions: These data indicate that physical TDV is especially closely associated with some forms of child maltreatment, sexual victimization, and polyvictimization. Universal dating violence prevention programs designed for youth who have not yet, or just recently, started dating will typically include a large number of youth who have already been victimized by other forms of violence. Prevention curricula may be more effective if they address the needs of victimized youth, for example, by teaching skills for coping with prior victimization experiences.
dc.publisherAmerican Psychological Assn.
dc.subjectChild maltreatment
dc.subjectteen dating
dc.titleTeen Dating Violence: Co-Occurrence With Other Victimizations in
