Review of research on the effects of corporal punishment: Working paper



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Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children


This review includes more than 150 studies showing associations between corporal punishment and a wide range of negative outcomes: it presents an overwhelmingly convincing case that corporal punishment is harmful for children, adults and societies. Intended for use by advocates for children’s right to legal protection from all corporal punishment, it illuminates how corporal punishment violates not just children’s right to freedom from all violence, but also their rights to health, development and education. It supports arguments that prohibition is a low-cost effective public health measure, for example in the prevention of domestic violence, mental illness and antisocial behaviour and to aid welfare, education and developmental outcomes for children. (Original Text)



child abuse, corporal punishment, discipline, spanking, International Resources, review


Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children (2013). Review of research on the effects of corporal punishment: Working paper. 21 pp.