Bromfield, L. M., Gillingham, P., & Higgins, D. J.2017-08-082017-08-082007Bromfield, L. M., Gillingham, P., & Higgins, D. J. (2007). Cumulative harm and chronic child maltreatment. Developing practice: the child youth and family work journal, 19, 34-42. this paper, cumulative harm is defined, past approaches that have contributed to conceptualising maltreatment as an isolated event are discussed. Possible indicators of chronic maltreatment are highlighted and the potential for chronic maltreatment to have a cumulative impact on children is demonstrated using a case example. The paper focuses on the Victorian context, but the issues of cumulative harm and chronic child maltreatment have relevance to policy-makers and practitioners in other jurisdictions.encomplex traumachild maltreatmentAustraliaInternational Resourcescumulative harmCumulative harm and chronic child maltreatmentArticle