Drew, C. H.2016-10-122016-10-122016Drew, C. H. (2016). Classification of Juvenile Sexual Offenders by Victim Age Based Subgroups. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University. 69 p.http://diginole.lib.fsu.edu/islandora/object/fsu:183701/datastream/PDF/download/citation.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/11212/2988The aim of the present study was to examine the validity of classifying juvenile sexual offenders (JSO) by victim age based subgroups. JSOs were categorized into one of three subgroups (those who only offend against children, those who only offend against peers, and those who offend against children and peers). The child, peer, and mixed subgroups were compared to non-sexual delinquent offenders on sexual recidivism, non-sexual recidivism, sexual abuse history, and non-sexual criminal history. Institutional files of juveniles remanded to a high-security Department of Juvenile Justice facility, as well as recidivism information from Florida's Computerized Criminal History (CCH) database served as the data source for this study. Results revealed that the victim age classification method utilized in the present study significantly predicted sexual recidivism, history of sexual abuse, non-sexual recidivism, and non-sexual criminal history. Secondly, those who offended against children (i.e., child and mixed offenders) had significantly higher rates of sexual abuse history and sexual recidivism than those who did not (i.e., peer offenders and delinquent offenders). Also, child and mixed offenders had lower rates of non-sexual recidivism and non-sexual criminal history than peer and delinquent offenders. Although the mixed offender subgroup was not significantly higher than the other subgroups, there was a trend for them to have a more extensive criminal history and be at higher risk for sexual and non-sexual recidivism than other JSOs. Implications for classification, treatment, and recidivism prediction of juvenile offenders are discussed. (Author Abstract)en-USchild abusesexual abusejuvenilesminorsresearchClassification of Juvenile Sexual Offenders by Victim Age Based SubgroupsArticle