Amy Farrell, A., Lockwood, S., Goggin, K., & Hogan, S.2019-08-152019-08-152019Amy Farrell, A., Lockwood, S., Goggin, K., & Hogan, S. (2019). Specialized residential placements for child trafficking victims 2019. Northeastern University. for this study included a review of existing state law and policy related to the provision of specialized services for child trafficking victims, a survey of 128 providers offering specialized responses to child trafficking within a residential setting and in-depth interviews with 23 program directors or clinical staff to better understand the nature, strengths and challenges of various specialized responses to child trafficking within residential settings. Five key components of a specialized child trafficking response are outlined. These include: Contextualizing the legal landscape of each state through a review of mandatory provisions to protect child victims of human trafficking. Describing the national landscape of existing residential programs across the United States that offer specialized services for child victims of human trafficking. - 1 - 1) Staffing 2) Participation in a Multi-Disciplinary Team response 3) Physical Space 4) Practices and Programming 5) Safetyentrafficked victimsserviceshousingMulti-Disciplinary Team responseSpecialized residential placements for child trafficking victims 2019Article