Christiansen, Louise ; Nielsen, Gitte Winther ; Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, Camila ; Simonsen, Kristina Margrethe ; Ohlsen, Jeppe Torp2019-06-172019-06-172014Christiansen, Louise ; Nielsen, Gitte Winther ; Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, Camila ; Simonsen, Kristina Margrethe ; Ohlsen, Jeppe Torp. (2004). The Effects of Interviewing Techniques on Preschool Children´s Testimony. Roskilde University. project deals with communicative and cognitive aspects of legal interviewing techniques, specifically in relation to preschool children (3-6 years), and alleged cases of sexual abuse. The following techniques are defined and examined: Open questions, leading questions, repeated questions and misinformation. Implicit threats, rewards, and expectations are investigated as well. Possible consequences of using these techniques are outlined, based on available empirical research. Project deals with the communicative dimension as well as the psychological dimension. Main results illustrate that the reliability of children’s´ testimony is highly dependent on the manner in which this testimony is elicited. Suggestions for a neutral mode of interviewing are made. (Author Abstract)enchild abuseresearchforensic interviewpreschoolersInternational ResourcesDenmarkThe Effects of Interviewing Techniques on Preschool Children´s TestimonyArticle