Federal Bureau of Investigation, Pittsburgh Division2016-05-112016-05-112016Federal Bureau of Investigation, Pittsburgh Division (2016). Sextortion Affecting Thousands of US Children.https://www.fbi.gov/pittsburgh/press-releases/2016/sextortion-affecting-thousands-of-u.s.-childrenhttp://hdl.handle.net/11212/2782Sextortion is a type of online sexual exploitation in which individuals coerce victims into providing sexually explicit images or videos of themselves, often in compliance with offenders’ threats to post the images publicly or send the images to victims’ friends and family. The FBI has seen a significant increase in sextortion activity against children who use the Internet, typically ages 10 to 17, but any age child can become a victim of sextortion.en-USOnline sexual exploitationCSECcoercionexplicit imagesSextortion Affecting Thousands of US ChildrenArticle