Hebert, M., Daignault, I. V., & Blanchard-Dallaire, C.2020-09-182020-09-182020Hebert, M., Daignault, I. V., & Blanchard-Dallaire, C. (2020). Adaptation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for cases of child sexual abuse with complex trauma: A clinical case illustration. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 7(1), 211-221.https://ijcar-rirea.ca/index.php/ijcar-rirea/article/view/53/163http://hdl.handle.net/11212/4864Child sexual abuse is an important public health issue given its magnitude and the multiple associated consequences. The diversity of profiles in child victims of sexual abuse calls for a more personalized approach to treatment. Indeed, recent studies suggest that children display a variety of symptoms and that a subgroup of sexually abused children may present a profile of complex trauma. This article first presents a review of the scientific literature that positions Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT; Cohen et al., 2017) amongst the best practices to address trauma-related symptoms following child sexual abuse; whether it is co-occurring with other forms of violence or not. Various adaptations of TF-CBT therapy are proposed by the authors (Cohen et al., 2012) to treat children facing complex trauma. These adaptations are summarized and illustrated with the presentation of a clinical case involving two siblings from the same family.enchild sexual abusecomplex traumatherapycase studyInternational ResourcesCanadaAdaptation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for cases of child sexual abuse with complex trauma: A clinical case illustrationArticle