Weiss, Karen Wigle2019-07-172019-07-172019Weiss, Karen Wigle. (2019). Unpacking human trafficking: A survey of state laws targeting human trafficking in the hospitality industry. EPCAT USA.https://static1.squarespace.com/static/594970e91b631b3571be12e2/t/5cf7f48501de0f00017a00fb/1559753870065/Unpacking+Human+Trafficking+-+FINAL.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/11212/4421In addition to state laws, there are various agency and municipal regulations, which are beyond the scope of this project. Interested parties should contact their local lodging and hotel association, chamber of commerce or governmental agencies familiar with regulations in local jurisdictions. To help clarify the situation and facilitate legal compliance, ECPAT-USA, with the support of the American Hotel and Lodging Association Educational Foundation, unpacked these laws by preparing a survey of all the applicable state laws currently in effect. We will unpack the laws again by updating the survey on a semi-annual basis to keep up with the constantly changing laws.enlawhuman traffickingpolicylodgingtravelersUnpacking human trafficking: A survey of state laws targeting human trafficking in the hospitality industryArticle