Office for Victims of Crime2015-07-172015-07-172015Office for Victims of Crime (2015). FEDERAL STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN ON SERVICES FOR VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED STATES FISCAL YEARS 2013-2014 STATUS REPORT. Washington, DC. is among the Office of Justice Programs’ agencies working with the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to ensure that victims of human trafficking in the United States have access to quality services. OVC has released the “Fiscal Years 2013-2014 Status Report for the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States.” The strategic plan defines 4 goals and 8 objectives and contains more than 250 associated action items for victim service improvements. This report documents the progress that federal agencies made during fiscal years 2013 and 2014 on each of the action items listed in the plan.en-UShuman traffickingvictim servicesstatus reportcommunity reponseidentificationawarenesscollaborationFEDERAL STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN ON SERVICES FOR VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED STATES FISCAL YEARS 2013-2014 STATUS REPORTOther