Wichita State University Center for Combating Human Trafficking and Youth Collaboratory2023-01-092023-01-092022Wichita State University Center for Combating Human Trafficking and Youth Collaboratory. (2022). Shining Light on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Toolkit to Build Understanding.https://www.youthcollaboratory.org/toolkit/shining-light-commercial-sexual-exploitation-children-toolkit-build-understandinghttp://hdl.handle.net/11212/5672Wichita State University Center for Combating Human Trafficking and Youth Collaboratory, in partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, offers this toolkit as a resource for multidisciplinary professionals, policy makers, volunteers, faith communities, and others involved in anti-trafficking work. Shining Light on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Toolkit to Build Understanding provides information on a variety of topics related to human trafficking with a specific focus on mentoring for commercial sexual exploitation victims. In one easy-to-access location, you will find information about emerging research and best practices along with implications for practice at the individual, program, and community levels. While the information provided on each topic is in no way exhaustive, you will find additional resources to facilitate further study. We hope this toolkit will serve as a catalyst that will ultimately help improve our collective response to human trafficking across the country.en-USchild sexual exploitationinterventiontoolkittraffickingresponseShining Light on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Toolkit to Build UnderstandingLearning Object