Alonso, M. J. A.2015-10-222015-10-222015Alonso, M. J. A. (2015). Role of Child Abuse in Psychosis is there Such a Thing as Primary Prevention of Schizophrenia. Journal of Schizophrenia Research, 2(1), 1010. the past decade has seen the emergence of literature on childhood trauma and psychosis, much work is needed to shed light on the mediating factors between these two entities. Even so, families on the margins of society seem to have a greater propensity toward childhood polytraumatization and psychosis. This brings us to consider the possibility of primary prevention of schizophrenia by investing in at-risk children with health care policies that will also have economic and social impact. (Author Text)enchild abuselong term effectseditorialRole of Child Abuse in Psychosis is there Such a Thing as Primary Prevention of Schizophrenia?Article