Flint, S. M.2018-06-262018-06-262018Flint, S. M. (2018). Preventing Vicarious Trauma in Counselors Through the Implementation of Self-Care Practices. The Alabama Counseling Association Journal, 111.http://www.alabamacounseling.org/pdf/journal/journalspring2018.pdf#page=111http://hdl.handle.net/11212/3871Counselors are regularly exposed to a wide range of client’s trauma experiences, and the construct vicarious trauma describes the negative secondary symptoms as a result of trauma exposure. Common symptoms include isolation, nightmares, hopelessness, cynicism, lethargy, despair, etc. The detrimental effects of vicarious trauma are well documented, and research has aimed to identify preventative factors and interventions to protect counselors from the negative effects of vicarious trauma. Numerous intervention strategies are documented, and engaging in self-care and taking care of oneself has been shown to be effective in reducing vicarious trauma symptoms. Studies present a wide range of considerations related to self-care, and this manuscript aims to examine effective self-care strategies to help prevent vicarious trauma in counselors. The components of self-care include physical, emotional, social, and professional strategies. Effective self-care plans should include each of these components and should be individualized and monitored regularly. Counselor education programs should train and education counselors-in-training on how to implement, follow, and modify a self-care plan to prevent vicarious trauma symptomsen-USvicarious traumaburnoutself-care strategiescounselor educationPreventing Vicarious Trauma in Counselors Through the Implementation of Self-Care PracticesArticle