Gwinn, C., Strack, G., Adams, S., & Lovelace, R.2023-02-272023-02-272007Gwinn, C., Strack, G., Adams, S., & Lovelace, R. (2007). The family justice center collaborative model. Saint Louis University Public Law Review,, 27, 79. we describe the now evolving national Family Justice Center movement, it must be emphasized that Family Justice Centers are not and should not be viewed as rejecting the community-based domestic violence movement, but rather as a product of it. While other co-located service centers evolved in communities all across America during the 1990s, after four years of aggressive planning efforts San Diego created the largest and most comprehensive center with the opening of the Center in 2002.en-USfamily justice centershistorymodelreviewThe Family Justice Center Collaborative ModelArticle