Smith-Darden, Joanne P. ; Kernsmith, Poco D. ; Reidy, Dennis E. ; Cortina, Kai S.2018-12-172018-12-172016Smith-Darden, Joanne P. ; Kernsmith, Poco D. ; Reidy, Dennis E. ; Cortina, Kai S. (2016). In Search of Modifiable Risk and Protective Factors for Teen Dating Violence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 27(2), 423-435. present research explores the additive and interactive effects of anger or hostility (A/H), acceptance of violence (AoV), and constructive conflict resolution strategies (CRS) on the perpetration of physical and sexual teen dating violence (TDV). Adolescents completed surveys assessing physical and sexual TDV perpetration, A/H, AoV, and positive CRS. While the findings require replication with longitudinal data, the results suggest that developing interventions to modify AoV and A/H may have the potential to prevent instances of TDV perpetration among both boys and girls. The results for CRS were mixed and necessitate further exploration. These cross-sectional data provide insight into potentially fruitful areas of exploration for the development and tailoring of prevention strategies for teens at risk for physical and sexual TDV perpetration. (Author Abstract)en-USteen dating violenceadolescentsteensyouthperpetratorspreventionresearchIn Search of Modifiable Risk and Protective Factors for Teen Dating ViolenceArticle