Northeast Regional Children's Advocacy Center2021-08-132021-08-132021Northeast Regional Children's Advocacy Center. (2021). NRCAC Team Talk-Podcast Series. Author. 24 - Forensic Interviewer Skill Development with the National Children's Advocacy Center In the final episode of the 4-part series on Skill Development for Forensic Interviewers, Tony speaks with Andra Chamberlin and Kim Madden from the National Children’s Advocacy Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Both Andra and Kim are trainers and forensic interview specialists with a wealth of experience in the child abuse field. During the conversation, Kim and Andra share their thoughts on the skills needed to be an effective forensic interviewer and how CAC’s and MDT’s can develop a process to where interviews take the foundational knowledge gained during their initial training and build more formative knowledge around the skills needed to be effective.en-USpodcastChildren's Advocacy Centerforensic interviewchild sexual abuseNRCAC Team Talk-Podcast SeriesRecording, oral