Shively, M., Kliorys, K., Wheeler, K., & Hunt, D.2014-12-112014-12-112012Shively, M., Kliorys, K., Wheeler, K., & Hunt, D. (2012). A National overview of prostitution and sex trafficking demand reduction efforts: Final report. National Institute of Justice. report is designed to provide a descriptive overview of initiatives targeting the demand for commercial sex in the United States. It describes the process of gathering the information in this (and other) reports, discusses specific initiatives, and highlights selected communities to illustrate how and why their members have endeavored to address prostitution and sex trafficking by combating demand. The report is intended to serve as an introduction for those considering applying anti-demand tactics in their communities, and for those at the state government level who are considering policies, statutes, and infrastructure investments supporting local efforts.en-USchild sexual exploitationchild prostitutiontraffickinginterventionsA National overview of prostitution and sex trafficking demand reduction efforts: Final report.Article