Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee2015-02-252015-02-252013Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee (2013). Children’s Sexual Behaviours: A Parent’s Guide. Prince Edward Island, Canada. 10 pp. is normal for children under the age of 12 to behave in sexual ways. In fact, according to William Friedrich of the Mayo clinic, sexual behaviour in children peaks between the ages of three and six. However, some sexual behaviour in children may be an indication that there is something wrong – that the child has been sexually molested, has been exposed prematurely to adult sexual knowledge, or has begun to use sexual behaviour as a way to get emotional needs met, etc. This guide is intended to provide parents with information to help determine whether their child’s behaviour is normal and healthy, or a sign that something may be wrong. It is important to keep in mind that there are no absolutes. Normal, healthy behaviour covers a wide range and may not be expressed the same, or to the same extent, in every child. Similarly, problem behaviour covers a range from less to more severe, and may not mean the same thing in every child. (Published Introduction)enchild sexual behaviornormal sexual behaviorparentingabnormal sexual behaviorChildren’s Sexual Behaviours: A Parents’ GuideArticle