Finch, M., Featherston, R., Chakraborty, S., Bjørndal, L., Mildon, R., Albers, B., ... & Shlonsky, A.2021-03-172021-03-172021Finch, M., Featherston, R., Chakraborty, S., Bjørndal, L., Mildon, R., Albers, B., ... & Shlonsky, A. (2021). Interventions that address institutional child maltreatment: evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17(1), e1139. Child maltreatment has serious short and long‐term negative impacts for those experiencing it. Child maltreatment occurring in institutional settings has recently received substantial attention. However, evidence about the effectiveness of interventions that prevent, disclose, respond to, or treat maltreatment that has occurred in these environments is fragmented and can be difficult to access. This evidence and gap map (EGM) collates this research evidence. It was developed as a resource for stakeholders operating in the child health, welfare and protection sectors, including practitioners, organisational leaders, policy developers and researchers, wanting to access high quality evidence on interventions addressing institutional child maltreatment. Objectives: The objectives of this EGM were twofold: (a) To provide a structured and accessible collection of existing evidence from finalised and ongoing overviews of systematic reviews, systematic reviews and effectiveness studies of interventions addressing institutional child maltreatment—for those who work to fund, develop, implement and evaluate interventions aimed at ensuring children's safety in institutional settings; (b) to identify gaps in the available evidence on interventions addressing institutional child maltreatment—thereby helping to inform the research agendas of funders and other organisations. Search Methods: A comprehensive search strategy identified relevant studies from published and grey literature, comprising: (1) 10 electronic academic databases; (2) five trial and systematic review registries; (3) nine organisational websites; (4) websites and reference lists of inquiry reports associated with seven international inquiries into child abuse and (4) the lists of included studies within systematic reviews identified by the search strategy. Members of this EGM's Subject Matter Experts group were also invited to forward relevant unpublished studies or grey literature.eninstitutional abuseyouth-serving organizationsresearchAustraliaInternational ResourcesinterventionInterventions that address institutional child maltreatment: evidence and gap mapArticle