2021-07-142021-07-142021Denlinger, M. M. (2021). A multigenerational perspective on caregiver substance use, trauma, & child welfare involvement. Iowa State University.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=9492&context=etdhttp://hdl.handle.net/11212/5169This dissertation examines patterns of substance use behavior and child welfare involvement through generational cycles. Additionally, parents’ experiences with child welfare involvement were explored emergently and thematic, findings are highlighted. The secondary data utilized for this paper were derived from an assessment of two-generational substance use collected in partnership with Iowa Department of Public Health, Department of Human Rights, and Iowa State University. Data were collected from 41 individuals via in-depth qualitative interviews regarding how substance use has impacted their lives. Interviews were coded utilizing a combination of ethnographic and phenomenological approaches. This paper concludes with practical implications for policymakers and future research opportunities.en-USresearchchild welfaresubstance abusequalitative researchA multigenerational perspective on caregiver substance use, trauma, & child welfare involvementArticle