Suzanne C. Brundage, Adam Fifield, Lee Partridge2020-12-162020-12-162020Brundage, C., Fifield, A., & Partridge, L. (2020). The Ripple Effect: National and State Estimates of the U.S. Opioid Epidemic’s Impact on Children. New York: United Hospital Fund. information shared in this report shines a light on a population affected by opioids that is often hidden from view, allows for comparison of the “ripple effect” to other public health problems, and offers an opportunity to identify strategies to blunt the epidemic’s impact on children. These strategies include the use of evidencebased interventions that help stabilize and strengthen families with substance use disorder (SUD) whenever possible, in the hope of avoiding out-of-home placements; policies and programs that promote the healthy development of children and adolescents adversely affected by family substance use; expansion of treatment and recovery programs for adolescents; and supporting foster and kinship caregivers.en-USsubstance abuseopioidssocietal costimpact on childrenlong term effectsresearchstatisticsThe Ripple Effect: National and State Estimates of the U.S. Opioid Epidemic’s Impact on ChildrenArticle