Tseng, A., Mendez, M., & LaLiberte, T.2017-12-042017-12-042015Tseng, A., Mendez, M., & LaLiberte, T. (2015) Helping Maltreated Children Understand and Recognize Emotions. Practice Notes, 24.https://www.cascw.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PracticeNotes_rev.WEB_.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/11212/3642Overthe past two decades, research has shown that maltreatment can disrupt a child’s ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others. These difficulties can lead to problems as children attempt to navigate their interpersonal relationships. Child welfare workers can better help children that have experienced abuse and neglect read emotional cues and build successful relationships if they are aware of how maltreatment can impact emotion-processing.enchild welfare professionalsemotion regulationinterventionHelping maltreated children understand and recognize emotionsArticle