Manickam, S., & Slingsby, B.2020-11-052020-11-052020Manickam, S., & Slingsby, B. (2020). Child Protection: A Guide for Navigating a Disclosure of Sexual Abuse in Rhode Island Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Rhode Island medical journal (2013), 103(9), 47-51. sexual abuse is a challenging and upsetting topic, which can be difficult to navigate. In addition to supporting the child and non-offending caregiver, physicians are asked to make important clinical decisions while also satisfying reporting requirements to law enforcement and/or child protective services. These decision points are not always straightforward and can be complicated by reporter and provider interpretation (or misinterpretation) of the laws, previous positive or negative experiences reporting, and biases.8–10 Here we offer a guide to support physicians as they traverse these conversations and approach disclosures of child sexual abuse.en-USchild sexual abuseresearchCOVID-19disclosureChild Protection: A Guide for Navigating a Disclosure of Sexual Abuse in Rhode Island Amid the COVID-19 PandemicArticle