International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children2017-09-252017-09-252017International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) (2017). Online Grooming of Children for Sexual Purposes: Model Legislation & Global Review First ed. The Koons Family Institute on International Law and Policy. an effort to understand how countries are addressing this issue and to make recommendations for the development of new laws, ICMEC conducted a review of existing international and national law. It is important that national legislation distinguish between online and offline grooming behaviors to ensure adequate investigation and prosecution of Internet-facilitated grooming of children. The Convention on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (also known as the Lanzarote Convention) is the only international legal instrument that specifically addresses online grooming. This report looks at the existing national legislation in 196 countries.enInternational Resourcesonline groomingreportOnline Grooming of Children for Sexual Purposes: Model Legislation & Global Review First ed.Article