Hinduja, Sameer ; Patchin, Justin W.2020-11-192020-11-192020Hinduja, Sameer ; Patchin, Justin W. (2020). Digital Dating Abuse: Ten Tips for Teens. [n.p.], Cyberbullying Research Center. 2 p.https://cyberbullying.org/Top-Ten-Tips-Teens-Digital-Dating-Abuse.pdf  http://hdl.handle.net/11212/4931Digital dating abuse” involves using technology to repetitively harass a romantic partner with the intent to control, coerce, intimidate, annoy or threaten them. Given that youth in relationships today are constantly in touch with each other via texting, social media, and video chat, more opportunities for digital dating abuse can arise. Below are ten tips to help keep teens safe online when it comes to romantic relationships. (Author Text)enchild abusesextingpsychological effectsemotional abusecoercioninternethandoutDigital Dating Abuse: Ten Tips for TeensArticle