Siegfried, C. B., Blackshear, K., & National Child Traumatic Stress Network.2016-10-052016-10-052016Siegfried, C. B., Blackshear, K., National Child Traumatic Stress Network, with assistance from the National Resource Center on ADHD: A Program of Children and Adults with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD). (2016). Is it ADHD or child traumatic stress? A guide for Clinicians. Los Angeles, CA & Durham, NC: National Center for Child Traumatic Stress. this Guide, we provide definitions of child traumatic stress and ADHD, explain how symptoms can overlap, and summarize some of the differences between the two. Understanding these differences can help parents and providers assess and treat children appropriately and more effectively.en-UStraumatic stressADHDguidesymptomsriskassessmentIs It ADHD or Child Traumatic Stress? A Guide for CliniciansArticle