Farrell, A., McDevitt, J., & Fahy, S.2014-12-112014-12-112008Farrell, A., McDevitt, J., & Fahy, S. (2008). Understanding and improving law enforcement responses to human trafficking: Final report. The Institute on Race and Justice at Northeastern University.https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/222752.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/11212/1959The project addresses four main areas: 1) the perceptions of trafficking held by law enforcement and the preparation agencies have taken to address the problem; 2) the frequency in which law enforcement identifies and investigates cases of human trafficking and 3) the characteristics of those cases investigated by law enforcement and 4) the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases.en-USchild abusetraffickinglaw enforcement reponseUnderstanding and improving law enforcement responses to human trafficking: Final report.Article