Duger, A.2015-11-182015-11-182015Duger, A. (2015). Focusing on prevention: the social and economic rights of children vulnerable to sex trafficking. Health and human rights, 17(1), E114-E123.http://cdn2.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2015/06/Duger.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/11212/2645The commercial sexual exploitation of children (“CSEC”) is an egregious human rights and public health violation that occurs every day across the US. Although there has been positive change in the US to bring attention to CSEC and to reform laws and policies to assist CSEC victims, scant attention and resources have been dedicated to prevention efforts. This paper critiques current US strategies to address CSEC and highlights the limitations of an interventionist framework that narrows its focus to anti-trafficking efforts. As an alternative, the paper proposes a human rights-based approach focusing on the fulfillment of economic and social rights of children as a prevention strategy in the USenpreventiontraffickingCSECvulnerable childrenFocusing on Prevention: The Social and Economic Rights of Children Vulnerable to Sex TraffickingArticle