2013-09-192013-09-192013http://hdl.handle.net/11212/391http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2013/07/23/peds.2013-1741.full.pdf+htmlThis clinical report updates a 2005 report from the American Academy of Pediatrics on the evaluation of sexual abuse in children. The medical assessment of suspected child sexual abuse should include obtaining a history, performing a physical examination, and obtaining appropriate laboratory tests. The role of the physician includes determining the need to report suspected sexual abuse; assessing the physical, emotional, and behavioral consequences of sexual abuse; providing information to parents about how to support their child; and coordinating with other professionals to provide comprehensive treatment and follow-up of children exposed to child sexual abuse.pdfevaluationAbuse-sexualBest Practices-Medical AssessmentThe Evaluation of Children in the Primary Care Setting when Sexual Abuse is Suspected.Text