Webinar: Impacts of Disciplines and Generations on MDT Collaboration and Communication




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National Children's Advocacy Center


here are social upheavals afloat that change the way we interact with the world— 24/7 media, an "always on" work culture, rapid technological advancements and more. There is a communal longing for a deeper sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, productivity and authenticity in the workplace. In an intense and emotionally charged field—such as child abuse—building strong communities in the workplace is crucial in order to avoid burn out and keep talent engaged. In this session we'll identify what strong communities look like from different generational perspectives and how we can all augment our communication to create more authentic relationships in the workforce. Through data, stories, multimedia components and humor, we'll see the world through the eyes of another person in order to better understand and appreciate different perspectives



webinar, collaboration, communication, generational differences, inter-generational teams


Lear, K. (2016). Webinar: Impacts of Disciplines and Generations on MDT Collaboration and Communication. Huntsville, AL: National Children's Advocacy Center.