New Directions: Questions to Guide Future Child Abuse and Neglect Research



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Institute of Medicine and National Research Council


New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect Research, a report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council (NRC), emphasizes that child abuse and neglect are serious public health issues. Building on research findings gleaned during the past 20 years, the report calls for a systems approach to child abuse and neglect research and highlights the importance of adopting a critical stratification lens1 in considering the impact of social and economic factors on child abuse and neglect. Addressing these public health problems will require an expanded research response that is grounded in the complex environments and systems within which child abuse and neglect occur. The purpose of this document is to guide researchers toward new directions in child abuse and neglect research.



research, child abuse, research agenda, neglect


Institute of Medicine and National Research Council (2013). New Directions: Questions to Guide Future Child Abuse and Neglect Research. Author.